2009年5月6日 星期三

●memtest86+教學 Part13

分頁我想應該是memtest86的精華,若能真的把這部分搞懂,我想對IA32(x86)的認識又進入到更深一層的境界了。若你想對整個IA-32的分頁做作通盤認識你可以去參考Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual - Volume 3A System Programming Guide.pdf。由於一般書籍講到的分頁都是使用4kbyte的分頁模式,而且只講到CR3(或稱 PDBR,page directory base register),然而IA-32的分頁方式還分成好幾種模式;而且支援4K、2M、4M的分頁大小;並可定址到64G (36-BIT PHYSICAL ADDRESSING USING THE PAE PAGING MECHANISM);說的好像很複雜,其實就是在搞CR3、CR4這兩個暫存器(register)。然而其實也沒那麼簡單,無論如何,由於memtest86是採用2M分頁(page size extensions)及支援PAE paging mechanism使可定址到64G;因此我們至少要對這種分頁方式作一番說明:

首先我們先來看看爛豬腳(head.S)如何實作頁目錄,你可能會問不是還要有頁表嗎?這個問題非常好但是我不想在此解答,你直接參考我上面說的那份資料以及Paging Extensions for the Pentium Pro Processor 就可知道為何。

.macro ptes64 start, count=64
.quad \start + 0x0000000 + 0xE3 ;為什麼是E3,下面會解說
.quad \start + 0x0200000 + 0xE3
.quad \start + 0x0400000 + 0xE3
.quad \start + 0x0600000 + 0xE3
.quad \start + 0x0800000 + 0xE3
.quad \start + 0x0A00000 + 0xE3
.quad \start + 0x0C00000 + 0xE3
.quad \start + 0x0E00000 + 0xE3
.if \count-1ptes64 "(\start+0x01000000)",\count-1
.macro maxdepth depth=1
.if \depth-1maxdepth \depth-1
.balign 4096
.globl pd0
pd0: ptes64 0x0000000000000000
.balign 4096
.globl pd1
pd1: ptes64 0x0000000040000000
.balign 4096
.globl pd2
pd2: ptes64 0x0000000080000000
.balign 4096
.globl pd3
pd3: ptes64 0x00000000C0000000
.balign 4096
.globl pdp
.long pd0 + 1
.long 0
.long pd1 + 1
.long 0
.long pd2 + 1
.long 0
.long pd3 + 1
.long 0
Figure 3-21 shows the format for the page-directory-pointer-table and page-directory entries when 2-MByte pages and extended physicaladdresses are being used.
The major differences in these entries are as follows:
•A page-directory-pointer(pdp)-table entry is added.
•The size of the entries are increased from 32 bits to 64 bits
•The maximum number of entries in a page directory or page table is 512.
•The base physical address field in each entry is extended to 24 bits for 36-bit physical addressing (or extended to MAXPHYADDR-12 bits if MAXPHYADDR is different than 36).
Figure 3-19 shows how a page-directory-pointer table and page directories can be used to map linear addresses to 2-MByte pages when the PAE paging mechanism enabled. This paging method can be used to map up to 2048 pages (4 page-directory-pointer(pdp)-table entries times 512 page-directory entries) into a 4-GByte linear address space.也就是Figure 3-19中的bit30和bit31。
/*-----------------參考init.c map_page()--------------- *
0xE3 --
* Bit 0 = Present bit. 1 = PDE is present
* Bit 1 = Read/Write. 1 = memory is writable
* Bit 2 = Supervisor/User. 0 = Supervisor only (CPL 0-2)
* Bit 3 = Writethrough. 0 = writeback cache policy
* Bit 4 = Cache Disable. 0 = page level cache enabled
* Bit 5 = Accessed. 1 = memory has been accessed.
* Bit 6 = Dirty. 1 = memory has been written to.
* Bit 7 = Page Size. 1 = page size is 2 MBytes
* --------------------------------------------------*/

